The goal is to preserve stories, some good ones, some marginal, by getting them on that 21st Century Cloud.
I may someday include a few of these stories in a book and for that reason always appreciate your Likes, Shares, Subscriptions, Clicks, and Comments.
Longreads may be found online. Star-Crossed Soldier is about my uncle, James Curtis Morrow, who was killed by another soldier in World War II. One of my favorite subjects is my mother, a true daughter of West Texas. Stories about her have appeared in the online magazine Literary Mama and Sole Sisters Film Project Blog.
I still help out four times a year with Edible Dallas & Fort Worth, a regional magazine that promotes buying local and seasonal produce.
The West Texas wind blew me from the oil patch community of Big Lake to Waco for college and on to Dallas afterward. I love to spend time in Alpine where I was born. Early childhood in Presidio, on the Texas-Mexico border, influenced my worldview of other countries and their people. I have been a reporter, journalism teacher, and editor.

My grandmother Odessa Toby’s letter to me where she described her wedding on the Texas state line in 1916. The wedding party was on horseback.